Monday, October 22, 2012

In class zeitoun blog

In the David Eggers narration, Zeitoun: The protagonist, Zeitoun finished his rounds of securing his work sites, he takes a second to enjoy the night air. Enjoying it's peace and tranquility he continues to drive home using uncluttered roads by fleeing families and persons. By this point he is still underestimating  this storm tremendously, even gloating a little bit when Kathy calls in the form of a "I told you so" (Eggers 56). He tells Kathy about how peaceful the city and house are and how comfortable he is to further drive the point home. I feel like this calm before the storm further strokes what could be called his 'arrogance', having him believe that this hurricane is nothing more then what he's already dealt with and survived . This is further shown in his lack of fear or anticipation or even apprehension in the face of a hurricane that brought about the first ever mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, still presuming that it'll be a light storm.

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