Monday, October 22, 2012

In class zeitoun blog

In the David Eggers narration, Zeitoun: The protagonist, Zeitoun finished his rounds of securing his work sites, he takes a second to enjoy the night air. Enjoying it's peace and tranquility he continues to drive home using uncluttered roads by fleeing families and persons. By this point he is still underestimating  this storm tremendously, even gloating a little bit when Kathy calls in the form of a "I told you so" (Eggers 56). He tells Kathy about how peaceful the city and house are and how comfortable he is to further drive the point home. I feel like this calm before the storm further strokes what could be called his 'arrogance', having him believe that this hurricane is nothing more then what he's already dealt with and survived . This is further shown in his lack of fear or anticipation or even apprehension in the face of a hurricane that brought about the first ever mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, still presuming that it'll be a light storm.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Revised blog

Hello, My name is Rashad and I'm blogging today about a article in the new york times regarding climate change and preparing for said changes. In the article "New York Is Lagging as Seas and Risks Rise, Critics Warn" by Mireya Navarro, she discusses the fact that climate change is drastically affecting the safety and well being of low level areas in New York and that city officials (Con Edison, mayor Bloomberg, etc.) are not contributing to preparations. Others also agree with Navarro, like Douglas Hill (part of the storm surge research group) who believes Bloomberg doesn't quit fathom how serious this possible threat is. Considering the numbers in the article, it's a serious enough dilemma that could cripple New York, leaving hundreds of thousands home less and the economy in a state of disarray. In one interesting comment left by reader Jim Gordon,  He comments on the attempts made to prepare for the crisis with out trying to stop the crisis from happening at all. To Quote him directly he wrote; "Spending billions of dollars to build sea gates without an Apollo like effort to stem the flow of carbon pollution currently accelerating rising sea levels, warming oceans and more intense an frequent storms is like treating the symptoms without curing the disease." This quote is in layman terms the essence of what mayor Bloomberg is trying to do, which as Jim emphasizes, is a bad idea.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Paraphrasing sample

Original sentence: By fuel combustion man has added about 150,000 million tons of carbon dioxide to the air in the past century.

Paraphrased: Burning fuel produced 150,000 million tons of CO(2)  in the half century up to 1938.
To Do List:

  •  make thesis clearer 
  • use a structure to my writing
  • cite where my information came from 
  • be a bit more specific and broaden information used in essay 
For this essay I would say that the hardest part was to actually get my thoughts out and put them in the writing. there was so much information, trying to organize them and make coherent points was kind of hard also keeping  in mind the two page requirement. it was hard to explain the information and keep it coherently flowing from one sentence to the next. My next attempt at this essay will include me just being more specific and better prepared to get my thoughts out in a more organized manner.